Sololearn Courses

*Featured Code Created by 👑 Natanael Kumentas 👑



C++ Tutorial

No prior programming experience is necessary! Our C++ app will supply you with everything you need to create and compile your own programs.

We guarantee that learning with SoloLearn is fast, effective, and fun. This app will show you how easy it is to become a programmer.

Learn C++ includes over 80 lessons that cover basic concepts, data types, arrays, pointers, conditional statements, loops, functions, classes,and objects. Unlock new levels, take quizzes, collect points, and compete with peers from around the world.

Most importantly, learn while having fun, because being engaged when learning makes all difference in the world.

Start Learning

Python 3 Tutorial

Learn Python in the most social and fun way, with SoloLearn!

Learn Python, one of today's most in-demand programming languages on-the-go, while playing, for FREE! Compete and collaborate with your fellow SoloLearners, while surfing through short lessons and fun quizzes. Practice writing Python code within the app, collect points, and show off your skills. 

When you complete the course, you'll win a Certificate of Completion as a trophy!

So don’t wait; dive right in! Start coding with Python!

Start Learning

Java Tutorial

SoloLearn's Learn Java is a comprehensive guide to one of the most popular programming languages in the world. And here's a big bonus: Learn Java is FREE!

The Learn Java lessons are fast, easy, and effective; the app is set up so that you can complete the work in less than three hours. No prior programming experience is needed.

Once you have completed the course, you will have learned object-oriented Java programming and have the ability to write clear and valid code in almost no time at all.

So don't hesitate. Begin our step-by-step tutorial today, and learn a new skill!

Become a Java developer – start SoloLearn's FREE tutorial today!!

Unlock levels, collect points, and compete with your peers around the world. Learn and have fun with SoloLearn!

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JavaScript Tutorial

Learn all of the fundamentals of JavaScript, and have fun while doing it – with SoloLearn!

This tutorial covers all basic features of JavaScript programming, including ways to make your website more interactive, create change website content, validate forms, create cookies, and so much more.

Go through our carefully selected instructional lessons, then take interactive quizzes while exploring checkpoints.

Our collection of exercises and hands-on practice sessions guide you as you work through the process of creating your own JavaScript code.

So be entertained and have some fun while completing this course. At the same time, you have the opportunity to collect colorful points and compete with other players from all over the world!

Further your career – or simply gain a new skill – while playing along with SoloLearn’s engaging JavaScript Tutorial.

Start Learning

C# Tutorial

The SoloLearn C# course makes the 10th programming language available to our community for FREE!

Learn Gain an understanding of C# concepts by going through short interactive texts and follow-up fun quizzes. Topics include: variables, conditional statements and loops, methods, classes, arrays, strings, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, exceptions, generics, and more!

Code Playground The best way to learn to code is to CODE! Our beautifully designed code editor lets you make changes to existing code or write and run your own custom code and see the output on your mobile device! You can code while going through the core lessons or as a stand-alone learning activity. The more you play, the better you get!

Use our Discussion Forums Whether you need additional help in understanding a topic or want to contribute to enhance the learning of peer SoloLearners, go to our Discussion Forums. Learn, share your knowledge, and improve your career and life choices!

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PHP Tutorial

Learn PHP is finally available! Continue your FREE SoloLearn web development training today, by learning the most widely used web programming language in the world!

PHP enables you to create dynamic web pages, develop websites, and generate dynamic content. You’ll also be able to open files; write content to files; and create contact forms, forums, blogs, picture galleries, surveys, social networks, and a whole lot more.

If you are already familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can dive right in!

Become a programmer the easy way! And don’t forget to have fun, and at the same time strengthen your profile, unlock new achievements, and open new and even more interactive levels – today!

Start Learning

Swift 4 Fundamentals

Hands-on practice: Collect points by writing real-life Swift code within the app.  Most importantly - and most fun: SoloLearn's Swift app lets you apply your newly gained knowledge and create your own, fully functioning iOS app! While no prior experience is required, we do recommend that you have some basic knowledge of programming in order to enjoy the full benefits of the course.

We cover Swift's basic concepts, control flow, collections, functions, closures, object-oriented programming, and much more!

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Ruby Tutorial

Learn Ruby in the most social and fun way, with SoloLearn!

Learn Ruby, one of today's most beautiful, artful and yet handy and practical programming languages on-the-go for FREE! Compete and collaborate with your fellow SoloLearners, while surfing through short lessons and fun quizzes. Practice writing Ruby code within the app, collect points, and show off your skills.

When you complete the course, you'll win a Certificate of Completion as a trophy!

So don’t wait; dive right in! Start discovering Ruby!

Start Learning

jQuery Tutorial

Learn jQuery in the most social and fun way, with SoloLearn!

If you’ve already completed our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript apps, dive right in and learn even more as you compete and collaborate with your fellow SoloLearners. Improve your coding ability as you surf through brief lessons and take fun quizzes. Practice writing JQuery code within the app, collect points, and show off your skills!

When you complete the course, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion as a trophy!

The SoloLearn Learn JQuery Course covers the following topics:

AttributesContent and CSS ManipulationsDOMEventsEffectsAnimationsAnd more!

Learn and practice what you’ve learned to become a Web Development Pro! Good luck!

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HTML Fundamentals

Interested in learning how to design a website using HTML tags, elements, and attributes? Then this learning game is for you!

Our interactive HTML tutorial is comprised of carefully selected content, quizzes, and checkpoints to ensure that you learn as much as possible, while also having as much fun as possible. This is accomplished through a series of entertaining exercises, along with plenty of hands-on practice in writing actual HTML code.

You will also learn the fundamentals of web design, collect colorful points, and compete with other learners throughout the world.

Our lessons are informative and concise, our checkpoints are enjoyable, and your learning is guaranteed. Learn while playing and play while learning with our HTML Tutorial! Whether you want to further your career or simply gain a new skill, this tutorial will work for you.

Start Learning

CSS Fundamentals

Our CSS tutorial is a learning game that will teach you how to set and control the style and layout of a website.

Go through carefully selected content, take the interactive quizzes, accumulate checkpoints, complete entertaining exercises, collect colorful points, and practice filling out actual CSS templates. Whether you want to gain a new skill to further your career, or just want to learn something new, we guarantee that you will enjoy learning while playing and playing while learning with our CSS tutorial!

Start Learning

SQL Fundamentals

Learn and practice SQL immediately, with SoloLearn’s FREE SQL tutorial!

Create, access, and manipulate databases. At the same time, collect points, unlock levels and achievements, and compete with other learners from around the world!

Whether you want to become the next greatest database designer, or you would simply like to have the ability to query databases from code, SoloLearn will take you through the fundamentals of SQL in a highly interactive, rapid, and effective manner.

Become an expert the easy – and FUN – way! Keep on playing while learning for FREE with SoloLearn!

Start Learning

Created by : 👑 Natanael Kumentas 👑
Original Code Supported by : SOLOLEARN

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